Friday, June 29, 2007

Week 6, #14

Technorati is very interesting. I can imagine it would be extremely valuable to reach people with interests similar to yours.
The aspect of tags that worries me is that you can add tag words which have nothing to do with your site which may attract more hits but would frustrate people. For instance, this blog is primarily a teaching tool so I can explore and experiment with many new applications. If I added the names of these applications to my tags, others seeking specific information would waste time visiting my site and wading through the posts.


bibliofan said...

Hmmmm. You have an evil turn of mind. You are right though. Tagging is so non-specific, what I call something, may not be what you call it; potato, tater, tots, irish caviar, check out technautica for ex.

bibliofan said...

Make that Tagnautica!